Selasa, 21 Februari 2023

Interview Job Video

Salam hormat tuan dan puan sekalian, saya kali ini akan memposting tugas video Job Interview, saya di sini berperan sebagai pewawancara atau HRD sebuah perusahaan dan partner saya Arin sebagai yang diwawancarai atau pelamar kerja.

Seperti biasa tuan puan sekalian saya sangat berterima kasih atas perhatiannya telah membaca blog saya ini, dan mohon maaf yang sebesar besarnya apabila dalam video ini saya dan partner saya ada kesalahan kata maupun kalimat yang mungkin kurang berkenan di hati anda dan setiap kekurangan dari video buat ini

MY CV/Resume

 Salam hormat tuan dan puan yang budiman, Kembali lagi dengan saya Candra, saya di sini membuat CV/Resume dalam bahasa Inggris

Saya harap tulisan saya ini disukai oleh tuan dan puan yang budiman sekalian, seperti biasa Kritik dan saran anda sekalian akan sangat berguna bagi perkembangan saya kedepannya



CV/resume is  detailed formal document highlighting professional and academic history and providing an overview of  professional background and relevant skills. so it’s important to structure it in a way that best showcases your accomplishements and experience.


To show employers that you are suitable for the jobs you are applying for and persuade them to invite you to interview with them, and include information such as your work experience, along with your achievements, awards, scholarships or grants you’ve earned, coursework, research projects and publications of your work.


1. Header with contact information

2. Professional summary

3. Detail education

4. Provide work experience

5. List relevant skill

6. Aditional section

7. Describe personal interest



My Aplication Letter

Selamat datang tuan dan puan yang budiman, izinkan saya membagikan tugas Aplication Letter ini

Mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan kata maupun kalimat saran dan kritik dari tuan dan puan yang budiman akan sangat berguna bagi saya sebagai penulis blog ini

Sila baca dan nikmati tulisan saya ini, terima kasih

- Meaning of Aplication Letter

An application letter is a document that you send to potential employers to secure a position or get an invitation to an interview. The letter provides the recruiting with essential information that describes your skills, passion, experience and educational background. Function/Purposes of Aplication Letter to improve your chances of being called for an interview, by convincing the reader that you would be the best person for the job. 

- Layout/Text Structure of Aplication Letter


- Expression Of Aplication Letter

• Opening

Example – Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Dear Mr/Mrs, 

• Reasoning 

Example – I would say that my only weakness / weaknesses are… . But I am looking to improve in this / these area/s.

• Skills

Example – I have …years experience of working…

•  Closing

Example – I am highly motivated and look forward to the varied work which a position in your company would offer me.

- Job Advertisement

Indonesian version

Kepada yth.

Bapak/Ibu Pimpinan

PT Java Techno 

Dengan Hormat ,

Berdasarkan informasi yang saya peroleh dari Instagram PT Java Techno, saya mengetahui bahwa perusahaan Bapak/Ibu sedang mencari karyawan baru di bidang marketing. Oleh karena itu saya mengajukan permohonan untuk mengajukan permohonan untuk mengisi posisi tersebut.

Saya lulusan dari D3 di bidang manajemen, belum menikah, jujur, disiplin dan loyal kepada perusahaan. Saya juga dapat bertanggung  jawab dalam pekerjaan serta dapat bekerja dengan baik secara tim maupun individual

Demikian surat permohonanan kerja ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya, besar harapan saya agar Bapak/Ibu Pimpinan dapat menerima saya bekerja di perusahaan yang Bapak/Ibu pimpin. Atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu Pimpinan sebelum dan sesudahnya saya mengucapkan terima kasih. 

Hormat Saya, 

Candra Tri Wibowo

English Version

Dear Sir/Ma’am

Leader of PT Java Techno


According to information I received from PT Java Techno Instagram, I've heard that your company is looking for new employees in marketing. I therefore applied to apply to fill the position. 

I am a graduate of D3 in management,

unmarried, honest, disciplined and loyal to the company. I can also be responsible for my work and can work both as a team and individually

Thus this letter of application for work I did in fact, I hope the President will allow me to work in the company you run. For your attention before and after, I would like to thank you.


Candra Tri Wibowo 

I hope you like it Sir and Ma'am 

Selasa, 07 Februari 2023

Pengalamanku Prakerin di JOGLOSEMAR CCTV


Salam hangat tuan dan puan yang budiman 
Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri Candra Tri Wibowo dari SMK Negeri 4 Semarang, saya ditugaskan untuk menuliskan pengalaman saya prakerin dalam English di blog ini. Dalam pembuatan tulisan ini saya dibantu oleh google translate dan reverso untuk menjadikan tulisan ini lebih terstruktur dalam grammarnya. 
Sila membaca dan nikmati

My Experience On The Job Training

        First day on the job training JOGLOSEMAR CCTV starting at 3 January 2022, in there me  with Raysa and there is one student from another school his name is Akmal, First I’m learning with mentors about basic CCTV product starts with the device and the function until the support product. In there I get instruction to sealing product by mentor because the seal sticker easy to break.

        The next day office mentor teaching me how to set CCTV device, mentor teaches how to set time, language, and IP so the device can connect to Wi-Fi but I can’t understand yet to setting IP because too complicated, Need 3 months to learn it and then me with a mentor learning how to activate CCTV Analog camera because of IP CCTV camera is too complicated so that haven’t been taught yet. I ask to preparing customer’s, with instruction office mentor I brought the order although there's brought mistake but I’m not scolded because this is a just early phase learning.

        One day, an installation project took place in the building behind the Panti  Wilasa Citarum Hospital. the Supervising technician invited one of the children, then my friend Akmal, who was from a different school, and I was asked to stay at the office to help other employees. At the office, I was taught to write a report on today's expenditure of goods, so the office supervisor was taught to install the correct hard disk, the problem is that this hard disk article is easily corrupted and I was asked to be careful during its installation.

         A few days later, I was invited back with Akmal for a project to set up CCTV in a mosque whose name I have forgotten, inversely proportional to Akmal who is quick to react while doing things and he also began to adapt quickly, What I don't like about him is that he likes to take my work when I seem upset.

         Since that day, technicians have rarely asked me to do projects, I have often been asked to stay in the office and they said I was told to help out with the office supervisor when a customer comes. Actually pretty sad, but I also realized that when I helped the project, I was actually just a roadblock. Even in my office, I can't fill orders right,
even in front of my clients, too.

         I cried so much that I was stressed at that time, I actually also had suicidal thoughts because I was ashamed to be just an obstacle at the internship. I confided in Raysa, my parents and some of those I trusted, I kept encouraging me not to get upset and keep fighting. They said I wasn't so bad either and that there was always a chance for change.

Since then, I've tried to make some changes and despite the many mistakes I've made but I still haven't given up until I can change for the better, Towards the final months of the internship, I started to improve and I started to adapt well on the job. 

Terima kasih tuan dan puan atas atensinya telah membaca blog saya ini, mohon maaf bila ada kesilapan kata atau hal yang kurang berkenan di hati anda.
Kritik tuan dan puan sekalian akan berarti bagi saya untuk lebih berkembang lagi.


Interview Job Video

Salam hormat tuan dan puan sekalian, saya kali ini akan memposting tugas video Job Interview, saya di sini berperan sebagai pewawancara atau...